St Faith Dental Practice

Professional root canal treatment

Professional root canal treatment

Root Canal Treatment, East Grinstead

Root canal treatment has something of an unfair reputation these days. Falsely labelled as being a painful experience, root canal treatment is usually quite the opposite, it is relief from root canal inflammations.

When bacteria builds up or inflames in the pulp of a tooth it can lead to problems like abscesses or a spreading infection. It’s uncomfortable, painful, and generally results from decay, or a faulty filling or chipped or cracked tooth.

Root canal treatment from £495 - £900

Treatment with our Specialist Endodontist £950 - £1,400

Choose us and benefit from

Our root canal team

Our superb root canal team is led by our Specialist Endodontist Jenny Lai who has over 26 years dentistry experience. Jenny is joined by Radhika Patel who has over 10 years dentistry experience.

Both have great expertise in the field of endodontics and have saved and restored teeth for many patients.

Root canal treatment process

To determine whether root canal treatment is needed the dentist will usually undertake an X-Ray examination to identify the cause of discomfort. Symptoms of a root canal problem can include pain or sensitivity when having hot or cold drinks, or severe discolouration and in some cases even pus.

It isn’t possible to treat a bacterial infection in the root canal with antibiotics in the long term so the dentist must do it manually. This consists of using specialist instruments to thoroughly clean the infected tooth, drain the abscess and remove the infected pulp from inside the tooth. The damaged tooth is then sealed with a filling.

Overall the process will greatly relieve any pain, as well as prevent future problems that can result from a spreading infection. Discolouration can even be treated or masked with veneers to bring the teeth back to normal and restore any loss of confidence that might have come from having dental imperfections.

Root canal treatment is completely routine and nothing to worry about. Leaving any infections alone could lead to much worse problems so it’s important to focus attention on in it as early as possible. 

We’re here to help. If you are particularly worried by the thought of the procedure, it is sometimes possible to carry this out under sedation. 

We also have a dedicated Specialist Endodontist at the practice if the procedure proves particularly tricky.

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Unfortunately NHS Commissioning standards have changed

We are now obliged to carry out all NHS treatment on under 12’s using inhalation sedation only.

This limits the types of treatment that we may be able to carry out on NHS contract, and regrettably we cannot guarantee that we will be able to complete all of the treatment you have been referred for.

We remain compliant with National ‘IACSD’ sedation guidelines which allow us the clinical freedom to use -where necessary -alternative ‘advanced’ sedation techniques on a non- NHS (private) basis.

If it looks like treatment will not be successful under ‘basic’ sedation, the options will be to refer you onward to Community Dental Service or Hospital (where facilities allow) or back to your own dentist for the treatment to be attempted under local anasethetic, or to discuss re-referral on a private basis.

We wish to make clear that this situation is purely as a result of NHS commissioning and completely beyond our control, but assure you of our best efforts in continuing to provide high standards in NHS treatment where possible.